PHP Designer 2008 v6.1.1 英文正式版(PHP 網頁編寫的軟體)
由於可以搭配使用的相關免費資源相當的多,PHP 的網頁設計越來越多人在學習了,
MPS PHP DESIGNER 是針對 PHP 網頁的編寫所設計的程式,它內建一系列的指令碼、
PHP4 原始碼數據庫、語法高亮度顯示功能、FTP 用戶端...等,不管您是 PHP 網頁
HTML 亦支援)。
PHP Designer 2008 is a Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
for PHP for both beginner- and prof. developers.
PHP Designer 2008 is designed to boost your productivy and enhance
the process of editing, debugging, analyzing and publishing
application- and websites powered by PHP, HTML, MySQL, XML, CSS,
JavaScript, VBScript, Java, C#, Perl, Python and Ruby!
The intuitive development environment makes it also the perfect
IDE for beginners by providing code-tips and contextual help with
access to more then 3000 functions on the fly.
The development environment is also ideal for LAMP and AJAX
developers by using the built-in code-libraries and the
Intelligent Highlighter that gives you the ability to automatic
separate different web-languages in the same document.
PHP Designer Pro 2008 v6.0.0 20071206 英文正式版(PHP 網頁設計的軟體)
PHP Designer 2008 Professional v6.0.0 英文正式版(PHP 網頁設計的軟體)
PHP Designer 2007 Professional v5.3.2 英文正式版(PHP 的網頁設計工具)
PHP Designer v7.2.1.15 英文正式版(網頁編寫所設計軟體)
PHP Designer 2007 Professional v5.5.2 英文正式版(針對 PHP 網頁的編寫所設計的軟體)
PHP Designer v7.2.0.33 英文正式版(PHP網頁編寫軟體)
PHP Designer 2007 Professional v5.5 英文正式版(PHP 網頁的編寫所設計的軟體)